Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fiberart For A Cause & Neonatal Unit

Fiberart For A Cause sells 8 x 10 fiber art pieces to raise money for Cancer Research. This leaf piece is the beginning 0f my first donation. Next are 6 inch wide strips that will be sashed then made into an isolet cover while the 2 inch squares will be sewn together into groups of 16, then sashed for small quilts , each for Preemie babies in the local Neonatal Unit.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Pear Lesson

This is an exercise from the book Quilt Art Workbook by Jane Davila and Elin Waterston. I made it 8 x 10 since my original plan was to frame it. Now I'm thinking of putting binding on it that matches the border fabric before attaching it to the black painted canvas.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Take it Further

I keep reading on quilted art blogs about Take it Further Challenge days. This piece needs to be taken further. Any suggestions?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Melanie!!

Imagine me singing "Happy Birthday" to you in my Quilted Art Party hat and fake glasses with the fake nose! Here's your present that will be on it's way to you very soon. I love you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Etsy Shop

I believe that if one is challenged with computer things, one should ask those who know more about it. So, I meet with Connie yesterday who is local and good at computer stuff.

I apologize to those of you who've recently sent a comment that I haven't responded to you. I corrected the setting on that.

And I now have a Etsy Shop with an item in it for sale. Woohoo! I will put more pieces in it shortly as I practice the things I learned yesterday. THANKS Connie!

(Photo is of hand painted clock from my friend Carol who is now doing more quilting than painting.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fabric Post Cards

I'm been busy finishing more fabric post cards. Now they are all packaged and ready. They are great for mailing and then can be framed. I have an appointment with a small shop nearby and think they might be a good fit there.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Quilted Art Challenges

I rarely have a whole piece completely designed when I start it. That used to bother me until I realized I'm in good company. This piece is almost all quilted but I'm not pleased with the verse not being more prominent. I'm pondering ideas of "fixing" it today. Any suggestions?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hand Embroidery

Hand embroidery is a slow but rewarding process. This verse is "The joy of the LORD is my strength." Nehemiah 8:10.
I used a thin blue marker that washes out to mark where I will embroider. After I finish embroidering it today, I will rinse the piece in cool water to remove the marker.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Nearly Symmetrical

I checked out Art Quilt Workbook by Jane Davila & Elin Waterston from the public library and am doing the "homework" at the end of each chapter. I think it's things I already know but am putting art terms to the techniques. I'm hoping to renew it so I can finish all the lessons.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More Post Card Fun

I'm in between larger projects for now and enjoy making fabric post cards. They are in progress of course. I really like taking strips and small pieces from other projects to create. Here's the latest fun.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am a "Free Spirit"

Dave Ramsey, who teaches Financial Peace University, would label me a "free spirit". I'm the half of my marriage who doesn't like the tiny details especially when it comes to paper work. UGH.

That's why I waited until right before leaving home yesterday to take my Quilted Art Pieces to be juried into a wonderful organization to do the final paperwork. I had to describe my pieces to make them sound wonderful on paper. UGH. I'd rather just design and make them. Also, later yesterday my friend, Donna took time to help me get more organized with my other quilted art business paper work and encourage me to try some new things. Thanks Donna !
So ... I will continue to pray for God's will as my pieces are juried later this week whether I am accepted there or not and my next adventure.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thanks Joy!

My friend, Joy, put together these earrings from the ceramic leaf findings of our recent festival trip. She took my "stuff" and idea and made them perfect. They are beautiful. Thanks Joy!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Collaged Cards

I enjoy sending hand made cards to our large family and extended family members for their birthday and anniversary. So, I've been making cards for the past few days. About 8 already went out in the mail. I've been re purposing paper and use a paint pen to add dots to the background card itself. I saw someone use round dots on their art recently and added some to these cards using a pencil eraser and black ink pad. Oh yeah, a balloon goes in the card too. It doesn't need additional postage but adds a celebration touch!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Putting on Labels

Probably my least favorite part of making a quilt is the label on the back. These quilts will be juried next week so I've been creating labels for these pieces that I finished a few months ago.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rust Dying Fabric

OK - Let me just say, by choice, I don't own much brown colored fabric. I have made a few "brown" quilted art pieces but mostly in an effort to create a masculine looking piece. I've even seen and heard of dying fabric with rust before but it never interested me. . . until this week. So, I took my usual walk with my dog and collected several interesting rusted pieces along our rural road, then checked in our shed and got busy. It was a bit messy but here's the results. I'm not sure of how I'll use these 4 fat quarters yet, but we'll see.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Post Card Backgrounds

I like to take strips of batik fabrics and use them to make the backgrounds for post cards. Next I'll machine quilt them then add embellishments of design.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Glass Button Embellishment

I like buttons a lot...especially glass buttons. I have collected them over the years from thrift stores, recycled clothing and friends. So as I purchased this white blouse from my favorite thrift store I planned to sew white glass buttons on the collar's edge. It just took a few minutes and makes a big difference.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Quilted Art Reversible Vest For Sale

Machine pieced and machine quilted. Size small.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hand Dying Fun

A few days ago some friends and I dyed and stamped fabric. Here's the my results. Now....what to make with it.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Asheville Quilt Show

Here's my entry for the Asheville Quilt Show which opens today at the NC Arboretum. The verse is along the stem on the left and beads along the right of the stem. There's also organza ribbon and beading on the flower head. Photo is a bit fuzzy. Maybe I'll re-post it after the show.