Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Triangles

My challenge to myself of this hand piecing piece is to use up the isosceles triangles from another already completed project. I ran out of purple triangles for the border and am now working with the aqua ones which limits my choices but that could be good. We'll see how it turns out.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Auditoning Time


This Cobblestone rose garden is ready for borders
and thankfully I have several options....hmm.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Old Fashioned Frame Quilting

I have had the privilege of working with some other ladies to hand quilt this bed sized quilt on an old fashioned wooden frame. It is taking lots of old fashioned time, old fashioned discussing life together, recipes and tips for life. What fun.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I find it difficult at times to continue to create when I have so many completed pieces that I would like to sell. Why create more? But as I was praying about it the other day, I felt the Lord speak to my heart, "Create". Ok - Cobblestone blocks are easy and fun for me so I created some abstract flower ones from my batik remnant bin. This Works For Me ! (Wednesday.)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Knitting Quilters

Donation #11
Having available hand work is valuable when waiting for an appointment etc. However, dim lighting creates challenges which makes knitting the "keeping the hands busy" hand work of choice. I committed to knit one scarf a month for the shelter which is included in my one donation per week for this year.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Honey Lavendar Soap

Since I was almost out of my hand made soap, and since I scored 2 of the 2 lb blocks of glycerin soap base at Goodwill for $2 each, it was time to make more soap. My last adventure in soap included adding ground oatmeal and lavender blossoms which was pretty but didn't seem to smell much and clogged the drain. SO, this time I added lavender scent along with the local honey and forgot the coloring. We'll see.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ahead Of Schedule

Four 14 inch squares cut into different sized strips are then
converged then cut and converged make this bright Preemie Quilt.
So far I'm ahead of my goal for one donation piece a week for 2010.
Donation #10

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fun Demos

Last night our Quilt Guild had as the program 7 twenty minute demonstrations from different women in our guild sharing some of their neat techniques. We each had time to take 2 of them. I chose Hand piecing with Beth Dix and Creating Fabric with Skinny Fabric Inserts by NancyLynn Sharpless. They each had helpful handouts and even though I've done both techniques before it was fun to learn new tips.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I like Yellow

This sunny and happy background needs a strong border now that the "middle" section is completely hand pieced. I'm thinking of piecing more purple triangles together to make strips from them.

Monday, February 15, 2010

"Children Are A Gift From The LORD"

Congrats Jason and Jill
on your little one on the way.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

We Love Because He (GOD) First Loved Us

Happy Valentine's Day!
"Love is of God" (I John 4:8)
uses lots of fun machine applique stitches
on batik fabrics.
For Sale

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Yellow, Green Brown & Owls?

I like to check out where a couple is registered before creating my gift for them so I can choose colors that will suite their taste. This couple's choices are yellow, green, brown and owls. I will probably create some screen fiber accents for this piece. I'm not so sure about the owls except that this verse as are all verses are wiser than an owl.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Remnant Play

Part of the fun of making Preemie Quilts from 6 inch strips is creating pieced strips from remnants. I keep a plastic shoe box of these until it's Preemie Quilt creating time.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Give Away

After sewing pieces of fabric together, I sew onto a remnant of fabric to "hold" the threads. I use this "mouse" until the original remnant is barely recognizable and full of threads. I then cut them to a fun shape for an embellishments on an art quilt or hand made card. They would make a fun label pin as well. Leave a message to be in the Give Away for both of these heart shaped "mice."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Blessed To Give Challenge

Donation #9
"Room On The Shelf" is complete and will be a fun quilt to pass along. In January I chose to create a donation a week or 52 for the year calling it "More Blessed To Give Challenge" and have had 2 others join me. Any more takers?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Powerless Handwork

I am SO thankful these pieces
were ready to hand sew when the power
went out early this AM.
Thankfully, we have power again...
lots for snow and ice but power!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Empty Spools

Cleaning my studio uncovered some empty spools squirreled away for...well some unknown fun project. However, I recently discovered that there's a crafting group at the local hospital who makes lap quilts with spools and other fun items for seniors to use to pass the time.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Yearning For Yellow

This hand piecing project or "To Go" project as some call it,
began with grey backgrounds and needed some pizazz.
These triangles are the remains from my
king size bed quilt from awhile ago.
So yellow to the rescue. Let the hand piecing begin.
Now - what to do with the remaining remains?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Quilting Room On The Shelf

Quilting has begun for Room On The Shelf
(a child sized donation quilt)
and I'm reminded that I prefer smaller sized
quilts when it comes to machine quilting.
Recognize the frogs Melanie?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Valentine Gifts

These Valentine's are created from fabric and fiber and are easy to mail in their clear envelope. The are created to last a long time and are even frameable. What fun to give a mini piece of art through the mail. See more options in previous posts. Only $18 each.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Paper College

Otherwise known as hand made birthday or anniversary cards, these paper collage creations were a fun way to spend a snowed in weekend.