Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog Giveaway

My 100th post is upcoming and I am planning a Give Away. So far, blogging has kept me creating and documenting progress and I've met many wonderful art quilters too. So leave a comment including kind criticism and I'll draw a name from the list of comments on the 100th blog post day. The Give Away is this Quilted Art Post Card and Key Chain/Change Purse. (Second photo is of back of Key Chain/ Change Purse.)


  1. I love your postcards Julie! Thanks for the chance to win another.

  2. I love your work, Julie and am excited about a chance to win a piece.

  3. Your postcards are creative!!!

  4. Hey Julie!
    Good to see what God has you doing lately. Wanted you to know that you got some wonderful compliments on your beautiful He Loves Me" banner at Journey 16 this weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi Julie, I have really enjoyed reading your blog, looking at your beautiful fiber work! Put my name in the hat too.And doesn't it make a difference, when you think of sharing your work with others?
