Monday, November 3, 2008

Hand Quilting Supplies

I began hand quilting this piece today. Of course all those who hand quilt have their own style, supplies etc but thought I'd share what works for me. First, I mostly quilt pushing with my thumb but still push with my third finger on occasion. (I retrained myself to to push with my thumb after having trouble with my shoulder and watching a doctor talk about it on Simply Quilts.) I prefer a leather coin thimble on my thumb, a metal thimble on my third finger and a small square (3 layers thick) of masking tape for my under third finger. I make several at a time and place them on both sides of a cut down chip lid. I store them all in my chatelaine which also holds my thread snips nicely around my neck. I have found that a small 11 inch Q-Snap frame works well so as not to have to stretch my arm too much. I also now take breaks and gently bend each finger separately backward which helps muscle fatigue.

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