Sunday, June 7, 2009

Slow/Fun Progress

Recently, while attending a Fiber Art gathering,
I happily hand pieced some more blocks.
Someone asked if I was crazy to do hand
piecing and I replied, "I think so, but I enjoy it
and it keeps me out of trouble."


  1. So true. I always try to have some handwork ready to "hands" feel like listening time is wasted time and they want to be busy.

  2. Well I'm so happy to hear you are keeping out of trouble!!!! I really enjoy these bulls-eye type of patterns.

  3. This is lovely and I so wish I could do hand piecing--I really don't even have a clue how that's done but I would love to learn. My mother loved to sew and I had aunts that did Tatting (is that how you spell it?). I never could pick it up even through Mama tried to teach me. Anyway, you a right, these little designs might make good cards--hmmmmm...thanks!!!
