Monday, October 19, 2009

"A Time To Tear And A Time To Mend"

Ok - I admit I like to mend and with 5 kids I've had lots of practice. But yesterday, our church actually canceled regular services to go out into the community to share God's love in many practical ways. (Feeding quarters to laundry mat machines, cutting and delivering wood, packages for soldiers, worship service at local Juvenile Evaluation Center, lunch at local shelter etc.) I went with the group to the local men's shelter and a few of us mended clothes. Actually, I called it triage tailoring. Fast, a bit overwhelming but fun and worth doing again.


  1. That does fun - I always love when we do service projects. I especially love to do them with my kids - it always seems that we get more out of them than the people we are helping - go figure! (grin)
