Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Update - "She Can Laugh"

Machine quilting has begun with barely visible quilting in black in the centers of the Free Style Cobblestone blocks on  "She Can Laugh At The Days To Come".  Next I've begun quilting differently in each block using somewhat matching thread. 


  1. this is fabulous, julie! love the happy colors! :))

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog!!!! I LOVE your quilts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love this phrase- "She can laugh at the days to come!" It's a motto of mine- straight out of God's word!! John Piper also mentions it in his book This Momentary Marriage which is EXCELLENT. I may have to buy one of your quilts:) I'm a former MK so missions is my heart- I love to see other people support missions!

  3. I love, love this quilt square!!!!! Wow - the black and white is Gorgeous!

  4. Now that's a block after my own heart. How lively and exuberant.
