Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hand Made Cards

It was time to restock my supply of hand made cards and spend the day with a friend...
and use each other's supplies!


  1. You do such beautiful work ... loved looking at some of your creations! Also, thanks for visiting my Pursuing Heart blog! Have fun creating, and sharing with others ...

  2. I have been browsing your blog and I love the things you make. You are very talented and you make very beautiful things.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Jo's Health Corner.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. That looks like so much fun. I am impressed. I love making cards too.

    If you would ever like a blog to review and/or giveaway your cards, I'd love to work with you. I have over 280 RSS readers, over 600 Twitter followers, and over 600 FB Friends/Fans that I can promote your product to.

    Blessings and have a great weekend!
