Thursday, October 23, 2014

Auditioning Shapes Using Freezer Paper - Opinions Welcome

 Horizontal Squiggles?
 Tiny Circles?
Horizontal Squiggles?
Linked to Whoop Whoop Friday 
Off The Wall Friday
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  1. Hi Julie!! I vote squares! I wanted to invite you to join my weekly blog link up Off the Wall Friday. I love you're work and I know you'll fit in. It runs weekly Friday (midnight EST) through Monday night.

  2. The squares, definitely the squares!!! It's always worth the struggle to find the right answer and you have.

  3. I vote for the squares, too. What a great idea to use freezer paper to audition shapes and designs. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I'm thinkin' the squares or the horizontal lines a t the bottom. All the circles are really peaceful and those choices provid a little tention and contrast?! The colors are great!

  5. I vote squares. It is a beautiful composition.

  6. For me the squares too. No doubt!

  7. well, I'm the only one not wanting squares. The squares are too similar in size to the circles for me. My first emotional response was to the one below it, as if the moon were reflecting, and if it was, then the bottom one should be right. But...
    I don't know why but the second one.
    The little circles are cool too, if there were more, and clustered. I would like rectangles, keeping the right angles of the squares but elongating and changing the size relationships. So there! Thanks for asking... LeeAnna Paylor at not afraid of color


  8. I like the squares, but suggest that they be made smaller than the circle....and use either 3 or 5 of them, an uneven number

    Sharon Richards
