Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Asheville Meals On Wheels Place Mat & Napkin Challenge

 The Challenge 2015 for the 
 this year was  for the members to create  
500 quilted place mats and napkins
to be given to each of the 
I chose to combine this with my Scrap Vortex QAL to 
purposefully use my remnants. 
Do the remnants ever really get used up?
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
Linked to Thursday Favorite Things,
Crazy Mom Quilts, Whoop Whoop Friday, Off The Wall Friday
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  1. Such a nice thing to do. Those look lovely! Thanks for linking up with us at Thursday Favorite Things!

  2. That's a great use of those vortex scraps :-)

  3. That's a great thing to do! This one will light up someone's whole month!

  4. Oh what a sweet idea and a wonderfully cheerful placemat!
