Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas Grandkids!

This year's hand made gift from me to each of my grandkids
is a Child & Nana Journal. 
The idea is to write in their personal journal and maybe  add some art
and give it to them. Then they can write a note and maybe add some art
and give it back to me. And on it goes.
These 2 journals traveled to Berlin which makes this concept a bit challenging.
I plan to write my note, and maybe add some art and mail it in
a regualr envelope to Berlin and the boys can glue it into their journals.
Them they can send me photos of what they write to me.  
Sounds like a fun adventure this year!
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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  1. Love this idea. I grew up far from one set of grandparents, only seeing them once a year. This would have been a fun project. Thanks for sharing it. I will try and remember for when I have grandkids of my own. (Visiting from Crazy Mom Quilts.)

  2. What a grand idea!! I am going to be a first time grandparent in 2017 so I am keeping an eye out for great tips like this!
