Monday, March 27, 2017

Alabama Chanin Style Swirl Skirt

I have admired the Alabama Chanin  technique & designs and hand work for a long time.
I've read books, looked at photos on Pinterest 
and admired friend's projects using  Natalie Chanin's  methods.
I chose to try it out for myself and up-cycle this grey t-shirt skirt.
First I painted white circles on the hemline using fabric paint and a stamp.
Then I backed the hemline with an up-cycled darker gray t-shirt.
Next, I hand Big Stitched outside the swirl using a white Pearle Cotton.
Finally, I cut out the top layer of the swirl revealing the darker gray.
I am pleased with my skirt and am pondering my next project.
Have you tried this technique?  Photos please.
Linked to Art Of Home Making Mondays
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