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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Hanging Sleeve | Day 209 A Block A Day Challenge.

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You know you husband loves you being a quilter when you 
accidentally get a long scrape on your arm from rogue pin
 while wrangling your large quilt and he offers you a napkin
 so you don't get blood on your quilt  
More progress on the queen bed quilt hanging sleeve for 
Day 209 A Block A Day Challenge.
#Quiltedartforsale #avlartist #juliabagamaryart#artquilts
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Friday, July 27, 2018

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Stolen Quilt | "Gray Bird At Dusk"

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Just learned that "Gray Bird At Dusk" was stolen from a local Gallery. Please contact me if you see it.
"Grey Bird At Dusk" highlights white hand embroidery on a grey bird standing watch. A sentinel if you will.
Measuring 23 1/2 inches X 28 1/2 inches. Notice the silver/grey button eye for a pop of whimsy.
For this composition I challenged myself to only use gray fabrics - a stretch since I usually use many bright colors. And since I'm still having so much fun creating birds, it made sense to make a larger version of the Bird Art from the April Art Daily 2016 Challenge. I was delighted when it came home from a competition with a blue ribbon. Hanging sleeve makes is a breeze to hang.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Happy Free Style Cobblestone Blocks | Day 206 A Block A Day Challenge

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Creating some bright and happy Free Style Cobblestone Blocks 
from the remnant bin for Day 206 A Block A Day Challenge 
#avlartist #artquilts #birdhouseart #artquiltsforsale
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tweaking Flowers | Day 205 A Block A Day Challenge

Tweaking this composition to make the flowers more prominent 
and added the lime stitching for contrast.
 The flowers were originally the light purple fabric like in the centers.
 Any guesses as to how I changed the outer flower sections for 
Day 205 A Block A Day Challenge?
#Quiltedartforsale #avlartist #juliabagamaryart#artquilts
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Monday, July 23, 2018

Pink Batik Art Quilt Bird House | Day 204 A Block A Day Challenge

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Playing in the pink batiks for Day 204 A Block A Day Challenge. 
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This cheerful Quilt Art Birdhouse features, "A friend liveth at all times. Proverbs 17:17 
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and a repurposed posand a repurposed postage stamp
 of a pink rose.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Orange Gray Green Art Quilt Bird House | Day 200 A Block A Day Challenge

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Windows open today and the birds are singing for Day 200 A Block A Day Challenge
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                                        My friend, Lynn gave me the                                         perfect vintage green button to                                         complete this orange, green and black                                   Quilt Art Bird House, "Hope". It's available$50.

Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Bird House Complete | Day 198 A Block A Day Challenge

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Construction complete for Day 198 A Block A Day Challenge. 
Orange, green, black and gray Quilt Art Bird House.
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 I will look through buttons tomorrow for the "entry hole".
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Monday, July 16, 2018

Orange Green Bird House Art | Day 197 A Block A Day Challenge

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Orange, green, black batik and gray walls" for
 Day 197 A Block A Day Challenge that will be constructed into a 3D bird House.
 On to the machine quilting.
#avlartist  #birdhouseart  #artquiltsforsale
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Sunday, July 15, 2018

Quilted Art Bird House | Day 196 A Block A Day Challenge

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Thanks for following along and your kind comments as I have completed
 the 2 bed quilts I set out to finish this year on my
 A Block A Day Challenge.
 Day 196 begins new adventures with this Art Quilt Bird House
 that opens for treasures inside.
 As I looked through my many buttons, seeking to give the perfect one new life in this project, I can across this vintage one and wondered it's former purpose.
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Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Saturday, July 14, 2018

39th Anniversary | Day 195 A Block A Day Challenge

Me & My Guy
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I'm thankful for 39 years of marriage today and how fitting that I would finish 
our new queen sized bed quilt today - Day 195 A Block A Day Challenge with hubby's favorite verse on the label. "As for me and my house we will serve the LORD - Joshua 24:15"
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 For our honeymoon, we camped in a borrowed Popup throughout the Blue Ridge mountains and joked of how we were just going to stay and have our stuff sent to us. So we made plans to move here and God has allowed us to here for many years now. And yes, I took hand sewing on our honeymoon.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Friday, July 13, 2018

Quit Label Complete | Day 194 A Block A Day Challenge

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Almost finished with the label for Day 194 A Block A Day Challenge as I completed the verse, 
"As for me and my house we will serve the LORD" 
in black Pearle cotton thread. It's Hubby's favorite verse. 💜
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Bird House Art | Bed Quilt Label | Day 193 A Block A Day Challenge

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Giving new life to batik remnants today that will part of a 3
D Free Style Bird House class sample.
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Hand embroidering the label for the bed quilt in black Pearle cotton
 on a bonus Free Style Cobblestone Block on the reverse side 
of the quilt for Day 193 A Block A Day Challenge. 
Half completed....."As for me and my house..."
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Art In The Airport - Asheville | Day 191 A Block A Day Challenge

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A friend sent me this photo of 2 or my 2 Honoring Women
Art Quilts in the Asheville Art in the Airport. 
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Made it to the 3rd "corner" for Day 191 A Block A Day Challenge.
 I'm glad I chose to use a pieced binding and like the contrast with the body of the quilt.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Monday, July 9, 2018

Curvy Quilt "Corners" | Day 190 A Block A Day Challenge

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Curvy quilt "corners" are not necessarily easier than squared ones 
but I do like the effect much better. 
Day 190 includes the 2nd "corner" and a decent distance on the 3rd side. 
Slow progress is still progress.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Sunday, July 8, 2018

2nd Corner In Sight | Day 189 A Block A Day Challenge

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2nd corner of the bed quilt is in sight for Day 189 A Block A Day Challenge.
 The first corner proved to be a bit trickier than expected 
so I will try something different for the 2nd one.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Friday, July 6, 2018

Bear Poses & Rounded Corners | Day 186 A Block A Day Challenge.

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Although the bear appears to be posing for a photo,
he's actually watching my dog, Susa before he climbs the oak tree. 
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Nearing the 1st "corner" with the batik pieced binding. I
 chose to round off the corners since I prefer that to squared corners.
 Day 186 A Block A Day Challenge.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Hand Sewing The Binding | Day 186 A Block A Day Challenge

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Hand sewing the binding for Day 186 A Block A Day Challenge 
following the design of the large blocks on the reverse side of my bed quilt. 
This could be accomplished on the machine 
yet I prefer the look of handwork even though 
it will take a few days to complete.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Bird House Art | Happy Independence Day | Day 185 A Block A Day Challenge

I am thankful for the opportunity to celebrate freedom today. 
Happy Independence Day!
Day 185 A Block A Day Challenge. Today's "block" 
is the queen bed quilt peripheral edges cut even and prepared for binding.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Cat;s Meow | Day 184 A Block A Day Challenge

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"The cat's meow," an expression referring to something 
that is considered outstanding; coined by 
American cartoonist Thomas A. Dorgan (1877–1929)
4th corner, final block and a bit bitter sweet for
Day 184 A Block A Day Challenge. This green cat/purple batik 
Free Style Cobblestone Block is hand quilted highlighting 
the cats then in a rectangular spiral. Interestingly, 
it will lay over hubby's feet on the bed and even though he doesn't care for cats,
 I still often tell him, "he's the cat's meow."

Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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Monday, July 2, 2018

Zebra Stripes | Day 183 A Block A Day Challenge

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Lots of dots and purple zebra stripes for this green, blue 
& purple batik Free Style Cobblestone Block on 
Day 183 A Block A Day Challenge that is hand quilted
 in blue then aqua Pearle cotton.
Julie Bagamary Art For Sale
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