These 8 X 10 pieces were previously sewn to painted black canvases and are in some of the Sept. 2008 entries. This week I removed the quilted art and repainted the canvases since even minor handling had mussed the black paint a bit and then sprayed a sealer on it. Next I resewed each piece back onto the newly prepared canvases. I think next time, if there is a next time, I'll choose more of a matte sealer. What do you think?
So glad you stopped by the Land of Pink :)
I love your work!! I, too am a self-taught quilter.
These are beautiful as well as others you have posted. Quilting is one art form I have laid aside for the time being, but no doubt I'll be back since I have such a huge stash & I love fabrics.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. The verse you asked about was printed in Word with Viner font (if I remember correctly). It would be a lovely stamp.
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